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Vending Machine Business Cards: Make Them Perfect

Good vending machine business cards help you leave a good impression on your location prospects. Here's everything you need to nail every detail on the card.


When you start a business with vending machines, you won't wait too long to relize that finding a good location is one of the most high-leverage activities you can do. Consequently, you will start approaching businesses and property owners selling them the benefit of having your vending machine on their premises. This is true for large and small companies alike.

To increase the chances that these businesses and property owners call you back - or to even boost vending machine sales - you should create tangible reminders of your proposal such as a flyer and business card. Handing out quality business cards is still a valuable way to make a business connection, even in the current digital-heavy world where a great website is usually the first move.

So, how in the world should your vending machine business card look? Is it different for solopreneurs, small companies, and large ones? The search and wait is over. Read on to learn the important elements you should have when you create a business card and how you can get them affordably designed.

Think About Where You Are Placing Vending Machines

Your business card - just like a great website - must communicate the things that a property owner would care about if they were considering allowing your vending machines on their premises. You are now a business owner and, by automation, you have to understand the value of targeted messaging - especially when you're in search for prospects or want to sell your value proposition.

Having decided on the kind of premises where you will place the vending machines, it makes sense to tailor your quality business card to that particular demographic. Fitness studios, for instance, place a premium on healthy living and would readily search and accept vending machines with healthy drinks and snacks.

More importantly, you should tailor the message on your vending machine business card to location owners and not to your prospective customers.

Information on the Vending Machine Business Card

Business cards have been standardized and you don’t want your business to create or search for something that's too far from what’s normal. The essential information that should always be on your vending machine business card includes:

  • Logo
  • Company name
  • The business tagline
  • Your name
  • Your business title
  • Your contact number
  • Contact email address

You can communicate the value proposition of your vending machines in the tagline (slogan) on the front of the card or a short and sweet description at the back. However, bear in mind that having only-single-words on the vending machine business card is usually a best approach.

How to Get a Professional-Looking Card Design Affordably

Both large and small companies have three options to get a professional-looking vending machine business card design. Here, ideas to spare you a long search:

  1. Order one from a freelance graphic designer. Freelancing sites such as Fiverr and 99designs are supplying quality business cards designs. They have talented creators who wait to design professional business cards that you pay as low as $10 - that gets the money saved. You can even get your logo on these websites for reasonable prices.
  2. Use an existing vending machine business card template. Don't want to think through ideas? Service providers such as Zazzle and BrandCrowd have pre-designed vending machine business card designs; all you have to do is fill in your details are you are good to go with Zazzle. BrandCrowd is free while with Zazzle you'll pay less than $30.
  3. Design a business card using Canva templates. If you have an eye for good design, you can customize Canva business card designs to fit your needs for free. Again, you can also design your logo on Canva.

When designing quality business cards, print is something you should keep in mind.

What You Should Look for in Fine Print

Your vending machine business card can help you make a good first impression - just like a great website. "Only single words" on the print is just one of many design ideas out there. The following are some of the things your business should pay attention to get an eye-grabbing vending machine business card design.

  • Bleed area: do not fill the entire business card with the artwork. It is best to allow at least 3 mm in the bleed area for cutting and aesthetic purposes.
  • High-quality material: print the card using high-quality materials that will promote a good first impression.
  • Sizing: note that people will put your business cards in their wallets. You should search the design size that fits into any wallet.
  • Emboss your letters on the card: embossing the artwork and letters on the card makes it stand out.

Ultimately, you are selling yourself and your vending business whenever you search for good locations. Your business card is part of your image and should be practical, professional, and persuasive.

With your business card in hand - before you start thinking about vending machine sales and making serious money - you can now start visiting potential locations. If you don’t have a list of potential locations yet or struggling to make bigger sales in existing places, we can build a list for you - with links and their contact information included.

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